General Information
Our school has an “Emergency Management Plan” which has been reviewed and approved by the Diocese of Rochester and the NYS Education Department and is audited annually.
In the event of a regional emergency, our school will receive advice and direction from local government and law enforcement agencies. Parents/Caregivers should be alert to any announcements from other official agencies for public safety, as they could impact our students and staff.
Announcements related to school closings and emergencies will be made using television outlets and our Student Information System, FACTS. In the event that school is closed and evacuated before the end of the regular day, public announcements will be made. Each family should discuss with their child/children what they should do upon their arrival at home in the event this situation occurs.
It is important that the medical, family contact, and emergency dismissal information be as up-to-date as possible. If there are any changes in this information, be sure to notify the school office.
Parents/Caregivers are required to inform the school office if their child/children will be absent. Parents/Caregivers of children not accounted for are contacted by the school nurse or secretary.
Students arriving late must be signed in at the main office by a parent or guardian. Students are also required to be signed out by parent or caregiver during the day and at dismissal.
Criminal background checks have been conducted on all employees and volunteers who have direct contact with our students. This is an ongoing process as part of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
Building Security
All school employees are required to wear photo identification at all times.
All doors are locked during regular schools hours. Visitors to the building may enter only via the main entrance where they are identified by an intercom access and video system. The office staff directs visitors to the main office where they must sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass. School visitors are required to wear a pass while on site. Sign out occurs in main office upon leaving the building.